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  • EdemaWear Compression Stockinette

    EdemaWear® stockinet utilizes a new textile technology, Fuzzy Wale Elastic Compression (FWC), which appears to be superior to existing compression products in controlling swelling. Wales (fuzzy corduroy-like material) create a fuzzy nexus with the skin to deliver effective compression of the subcutaneous fat and to move water back to the heart. EdemaWear® is made from Medical Grade Lycra Spandex and Nylon. It is Latex Free.

    EdemaWear® has six advantages over existing compression garments:

    1. EdemaWear® is easy to put on and take off. Donning and doffing traditional compression textiles can be impossible with traditional “tight” compression products.
    2. EdemaWear® is comfortable. It is cool in hot weather. The spaces between the fuzzy wales allow for perspiration to evaporate.
    3. EdemaWear® is inexpensive. Since Medicare and other insurances do not reimburse for compression products, EdemaWear is an enormous financial advantage for patients.
    4. Users report a “sense of comfort” while wearing EdemaWear®. It enhances lymphatic function leading to a decreased inflammatory sensation at the level of the skin.
    5. EdemaWear® melts away lower extremity swelling.
    6. Clinical observations show that EdemaWear® treats the dermatitis of venous insufficiency. Venous stasis dermatitis is the result of deoxygenated blood that “poisons” skin. Stasis dermatitis heals because wales focus compression at the skin level. Wales deliver physiologically useful compression to the subcutaneous fat.

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