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How to care for your Compression Garments!

When you receive your garments, the manufacturer includes instructions for the care of the garment. The best practice is to follow those instructions closely. By doing so, you will increase the durability, longevity and functionality of your garments. In all circumstances, the manufacturer recommends no bleach, fabric softeners, or ironing. Machine washing and drying varies from product to product. Some products require hand washing and air drying. Failure to follow the care instructions can effect the compression consistency of inelastic products over time. In some instances hooks, fasteners and velcro should be removed before care and cleaning. As a general rule, most compression products have a useful life expectancy of 6 months. After six months they begin to lose the compression consistency that makes them so useful in the treatment of lymphedema and related diseases. For this reason, many people order two (2) products, wearing one while the other is in the laundry. As a general rule of thumb:

  1. Always follow the manufacturer’s care instructions.
  2. Avoid bleach, fabric softeners and ironing.
  3. Hand wash and air dry when instructed.
  4. Replace when recommended (about every 6 months).

We offer a variety of products on our website for keeping up with the care of your compression garments. Shop Here.

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Exercise Guide

New guidance from exercise oncology experts recommend systematic use of an “exercise prescription” by health care workers and fitness professionals in designing and delivering exercise programs that aim to lower the risk of developing certain cancers and best meet the needs, preferences and abilities of people with cancer.

In October 2019, three papers were published following an International Multidisciplinary Roundtable hosted by ACSM. One of those papers, a consensus statement, listed specific exercise recommendations for cancer patients and survivors. 

New guidance from exercise oncology experts recommend systematic use of an “exercise prescription” by health care workers and fitness professionals in designing and delivering exercise programs that aim to lower the risk of developing certain cancers and best meet the needs, preferences and abilities of people with cancer.

In October 2019, three papers were published following an International Multidisciplinary Roundtable hosted by ACSM. One of those papers, a consensus statement, listed specific exercise recommendations for cancer patients and survivors. 

This infographic outlines the effects of exercise on health-related outcomes in those with cancer. The chart features evidence-based physical activity recommendations and the associated benefits for specific symptoms and side effects of cancer and its treatments.

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Tips for Promoting Leg Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Yvette Mier,



Yvette Mier, BSN / RN / CWON, is a well-respected nurse with over 25 years of experience in wound care. She is a chapter author in the Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nursing Society textbook, Core Curriculum for Wound Management. She presents regularly at national wound care conferences and is passionate about leg.

She lives works in the Atlanta area. When not directing clinical care in an outpatient wound center, she can frequently be found in local parks walking with her husband and their dogs.

Tips for Promoting Leg Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic:

1. Wear your prescribed compression socks, stockings or wrap. Compression should be applied before you get out of bed in the morning and removed at bedtime, unless you are wearing a night garment.

2. Pamper your skin. Gentle skin care is a frequently overlooked component of leg health. When bathing, use a non-perfumed, liquid soap to help maintain the natural pH of the skin. At bedtime, apply a therapeutic moisturizer to your legs and feet. Let the moisturizer absorb into your skin overnight. These simple choices decrease the likelihood of skin breakdown with minor trauma. Moist, supple skin is harder to injure than dry, brittle skin.

3. Call a friend with legs positioned above your heart. Medically therapeutic elevation occurs when the legs are above the heart. A visual cue is to draw an imaginary line from your nose to your toes. Your toes should be at or above your nose.

4. Take a walk. Walk for 30 minutes to an hour. This does not have to be a brisk walk; a leisurely stroll is just as effective and allows you to stop and smell the roses! You can even walk around the house if you cannot get outside.

5. Inventory your compression socks, stockings and inspect your wrap. A single pair of compression socks is therapeutic for 3–6 months; develop a way to mark or organize your garments so they are removed from rotation before they are no longer therapeutic.

6. Read that book on your shelf that you’ve always wanted to read but haven’t had the time. In-between chapters, alternate exercising each leg by writing the alphabet in the air with your great toe acting as an imaginary pen. It’s harder than it seems!

7. Struggle with compression sock application and removal and would like a little help? Consider using a donning aid. Donning aids like rubber gloves, foot slips or other donning tools can help. You can find donning aids online if stores are closed. What previously took 5 minutes of struggling can literally be accomplished in seconds. You could also consider a inelastic wrap garment.

8. Exercise your calf muscles specifically. It is the contraction of the calf muscles that act in conjunction with your compression garments to promote venous return. Calf pump exercises include pretending to pump on a gas pedal, circling the feet, standing up and raising up onto your toes, and marching in place to name a few easy exercises.page1image6626432

Live your life.

Be yourself.

SIGVARIS and SIGVARIS GROUP are registered trademarks of SIGVARIS AG, CH-9014 St.Gallen/Switzerland, in many countries worldwide. © Copyright 2020 SIGVARIS, Inc.

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Lymphedema Grant information and Financial Links

Hello friends,

We’re passing along some links to resources and assistance for patients, caregivers, and others throughout the cancer support and lymphedema communities. This includes information on grants and other direct financial assistance programs, because who couldn’t use that? Click on the links below for each organization’s program. We sincerely hope you find this information helpful. Wishing you and yours all the best – stay safe and healthy!

Ninjas Fighting Lymphedema – (314) 325-0040
Cancer Care – 800-813-4673
Marilyn Westbrook Garment Fund
Cancer Support Community
Cancer Support Emergency Fund – 888-409-4166
(for food, utilities, and other basic needs)
Airbnb – 844-986-1650 (free housing to frontline workers)
HealthWell Foundation
The Pink Fund
The Samfund
Circle of Care
Cancer Net
Cancer Care
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
PAN Foundation
Family Reach
American Cancer Society
Cancer Support Community
Patient Advocate Foundation
Colorectal Cancer Alliance
Cancer and Careers
Start Shopping
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Social Distancing

Dear Friends,

We are all navigating  through the unique challenges posed by COVID-19. Our therapists, patients and physicians are communicating the changes that have taken place in just a few days and weeks. 

We would like to share an update with you on how Body Works is responding. The health and safety of our community is our number one priority.

With staffing changes in hospitals and clinics, and patient social distancing, it is time to provide a new model meeting these challenges.

We have recently updated its website adding over 500 products to the site so far.

In this era of social distancing, the website can provide a means to obtain garments and products while helping to maintain public health.  

For our Body Works Community, we will be able to continue to supply you with the products and services you need. We know you count on us, and we want to reassure you that at this time we are well positioned to continue to do so! We will maintain our regular service hours and order fulfillment until further notice. 
We appreciate your support.